
Base3 approved the audit of Coca-Cola

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The guiding principles for suppliers (Supplier Guiding Principles, SGP) are one of the fundamental foundations of Coca-Cola's workplace and human rights responsibility programs, which is why, once every three years, this company it audits its suppliers to ensure that they share similar values ​​and operate with the same ethics. The approval of the same authorizes to work not only with the company but also with its agencies and their bottlers: Reginald Lee, Femsa, Arca Continental, and Coca-Cola Andina.

This year, at the Base3 Argentina plant, we were audited and renewed the contract with the company. In this way, we will continue working together in the communication of Coca-Cola at the national level in our areas of Decoration for the point of sale with soft materials, linear gondola and public communication.

Like Coca-Cola, our values ​​and expectations emphasize the importance of policies and practices aimed at achieving a responsible workplace that complies, as a minimum, with current environmental laws and regulations. local labor laws and regulations. The Guiding Principles for Suppliers are also for us a fundamental pillar of the social and labor responsibility programs. That is why we guarantee safe and healthy jobs and the protection of the environment.

Finally, we would like to highlight the acknowledgment of the auditor for the good willingness to accompany the process efficiently and effectively. He also highlighted the good work environment in the company.

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24 April, 2018 | BLOG base3 BACK


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